Below are utility companies that service the GautierĀ area.
Power | Phone | Television | Internet | Water |
Singing River Electric 500 Highway 90 Gautier, MS 39553 228-497-1313 |
Cableone 5100 MacPhelah St. Pascagoula, MS 39567 228-769-1221 |
Cableone 5100 MacPhelah St. Pascagoula, MS 39567 228-769-1221 |
Cableone 5100 MacPhelah St. Pascagoula, MS 39567 228-769-1221 |
Houston Estates Utility Company 3341 Gatti Place Gautier, MS 39553 228-282-2638 |
Gautier Utility District 3330 Hwy. 90 P. O. Box 670 Gautier, MS 39553 228-497-8000 |